Our Teachers &
Living longer, staying stronger - a forty year discovery of the body’s potential
Our Teachers &

Loretta Simon Helms - Founder
Loretta Simon Helms, M.S.Ed. began teaching Pilates in 1981. She studied with Alan Herdman (Herdman Studios of London) while teaching at Houston Ballet Academy's Pilates Studio. She later studied with Robert Fitzgerald Studios in NYC and was a member of the Physicalmind Institute for the Pilates Method.
Aurora Mohr - Visiting Teacher
Aurora took up Pilates at the age of thirteen.
Our Methods
The Pilates Method is a unique system of body conditioning that strengthens ligaments and joints, lengthens muscles and increases flexibility and control
'my work with Loretta will inform my movement, and my approach to all physical disciplines, for the rest of my life’
‘a teacher who motivates her students’
‘I wanted a master teacher with deep knowledge and a range of methods. I found that and more with Loretta’
‘My back hasn't gone out on me once since I started taking the class – and that is saying a lot’
‘enorme bewondering voor haar geoefend oog en voor haar diepgaande kennis van het menselijke bewegingsapparaat’